10 Surprising Facts About Bars

10 Surprising Facts About Bars

Do you love going to bars? Or are you one of those people who avoid them like the plague? Whichever side of the spectrum you fall on, we can all agree that there is a lot that goes on behind the scenes of your local watering hole. Bars are a vital part of our nightlife industry, and they play a big role in our social lives. In this blog post, we will explore 10 surprising facts about bars. We hope that after reading this post, you will have a newfound appreciation for this important part of our culture!

Bars weren’t always just for drinking – they used to be places where people would go to socialize and listen to live music

Bars have been around for centuries, and they’ve undergone quite a few changes over the years. Here are some surprising facts about bars that you may not know:

– The first bars were actually called taverns, and they were founded in ancient Greece.

– In medieval Europe, taverns were often used as meeting places for business deals, politics, and even gambling.

– The term “bar” actually comes from the word “barrier,” because early bars were often located next to city gates or other barriers that separated different areas of town.

– Bars were originally designed for men only – women weren’t allowed inside until the early 20th century.

The first bar in America was opened in 1637 by the Dutch West India Company

Did you know that the first bar in America was opened by the Dutch West India Company in Manhattan back in 1637? And that’s not even the oldest bar in the world! The oldest bar is actually located in Ireland and has been open since 900 A.D.

The word “bar” is actually derived from the Latin word “barrus”, meaning heavy drinker

This is likely because bars were originally places where people went to drink heavily and get drunk.

Interestingly, the word “bar” was first used in relation to alcohol in 1695.

before that, it was simply a term for a counter or table at which food or drink was served.

There are now more than 1 million bars in the United States alone

This means that there is a bar for every 300 people in the country. This number has been growing steadily over the past few years, as more and more people are looking for places to socialize and have fun.

Interestingly, this number is much higher in some states than others. For example, there are nearly twice as many bars per capita in Nevada as there are in Utah.

Most bars don’t make a lot of money – in fact, the average profit margin is only about 2%

This means that for every $100 a bar takes in, it only keeps between $02 and $12. So if you’re looking to get rich quick by opening up a bar, you might want to rethink your strategy!

Still, there are some bars out there that are doing quite well for themselves.